Articles Awards & Competitions

Some of the Articles, awards and competition wins we have had in recent years:


Recent articles

The Australian newspaper Weekend Magazine article Jan 26th 2013 – Small World 

Rosalie Higson  The Australian   January 26, 2013 12:00AM

Home Beautiful  May 2010 – Reborn Green – EcoHouse  Australia Street House 

Tasmanian Life July 2010  – West End Beach House 

Sanctuary magazine  –  Australia Street House 



TDA Timber Design Awards Special Commendation 2002 for the TeaHouse 

TDA  Timber Design Awards Highly Commended 2003  for the Balmain Terrace

HIA Greensmart Award for Resource Efficiency  2004 for the Australia Street Renovation

HIA Greensmart Award for Energy Efficiency  2004 for the Australia Street Renovation

Marrickville Medal Heritage Award Commendation – Australia Street house – Newtown – the old morgue renovations


Australian Research Council Post-Graduate Award Scholarship, 1992 -1994

JerraBomberra Better Cities Design Competition – Special Commendation 1995

Piermont Estate Development Limited Invitation Design Concept Competition 2011 – Winners

A New Residence for the PM Competitioon for Canberra’s centenary celebrations – Entrants


Nguru Entry Cover Page

Nguru PM Residence Competition Entry